We welcome suggestions for improving our services. These can be made to individual members of staff or in writing to the Practice Manager, Dispensary Manager or the Assistant Practice Manager. Alternatively, a suggestions box is available in the main waiting room. Please do not e-mail your complaint or suggestions to any of the practice's e-mail addresses.
Please address your complaint to the following;
Dispensary issues: Mrs Lin Russell, Dispensary Manager
Clinical and all other issues: Sarah George, Nicole Kaye
Complaints Procedure
We aim to provide the best services possible but there may be times when you feel this has not happened. If you feel you have grounds for complaint, please discuss these with the member of staff concerned, when it is hoped any problem can be resolved at once. However, should you not wish to speak to the person concerned, please put your concerns or issues in writing addressed to either the Practice Manager or Senior Partner. We operate a practice complaints procedure as part of the NHS system for dealing with complaints.